Well, since my last post the following has happened:
- My blood count is at a normal level over 12... the infusions worked!
- I cleared medical a few days after I received the results of my blood test.
- I was contacted by my placement officer that day asking for an updated resume of my work and volunteer history as she does the final review of my application!
- I sent in my updated resume the following week
- I got an email a few days later asking for a good time to schedule a phone call with my Placement Officer to go over the final review of my app.
- I had a 15 minute convo with my PO yesterday and was told she is looking into a program in Africa departing for early October doing small business development! She said I should be hearing from her in 1-2 weeks with a possible invite!
This has all happened in two months. It took 6.5 months for my medical review to be completed! Crazy!
Here is
my LONG timeline of this process... It looks like it will most likely be 1 year from start to invite!
7/1/10- Application Submitted.
8/10- Contacted by a recruiter. Got fingerprints done... FBI card status!
9/13/10- Interview over the phone with my recruiter. Nominated at the end of the interview for Sub-Saharan Africa doing Business Advising departing late May/early June 2011.
9/14/10- Toolkit states I am officially a Peace Corps Nominee and my Medical/Dental Kit are both in the mail. Legal clearance was completed.
10/10- Had various dental and doctors appointments completing my kit.
11/17/10- Received a notification that my Medical/Dental kits were received. Also received my dental kit back saying dental work needs to be completed and new x-rays.
1/11- Got three crowns, one fillings, and x-rays. Thank God for dental insurance and for blessing me with the funds to get it all done at once. Sent info off the the Dental office and was cleared at the end of January.
2/17/11- I got impatient as I realized I hadn't heard anything from the medical office and my nominated trip was approaching and emailed them asking if they had started reviewing my file.
2/18/11- Received work that "my file was just assigned a nurse and I will be hearing from her in 4-6 weeks".
3/26/11- Received a letter from my MO asking for a follow up blood test and a new PAP smear. My blood count was low and my PAP was over one year old.
4/11- Found out my blood count dropped even more. Was placed on iron supplements. Faxed a letter and repeat blood test back to my MO. Received another letter stating the information was incomplete, my doctor did not specify when I began the iron supplements and they want another blood test.
5/11- Realized my iron isn't raising fast enough. Underwent Iron Infusions. Completely free thanks to Kaiser and my awesome insurance through my work!
5/18/11- Received an actual phone call from my MO asking how I was doing and if I had finished my infusions. I told her yes and I was going to get my blood drawn the next day to see results. Had a blood test and my iron was over a 12 (which is good!) and there was a LOT of iron floating around in me.
5/26/11- Received notification via my toolkit that the MO made a decision and I will be receiving a letter in the mail stating what they decided. Received an email from the Placement Assistant about 1 hour later asking for an updated resume so she can pass along my my application to my placement officer. Guess that means I passed medical!!! Woohoo! I also received an email from my placement officer stating I am not going to make my original nomination. (I already knew that)
6/1/11- Sent my resume over. It was hard fitting all my work and volunteer experience onto two pages.
6/7/11- Received an email from the PO assistant saying she is passing along my application to the PO and I will hear from her in 4-6 weeks.
6/9/11- Received an email from my PO asking what time would be best for her to call me and to discuss the final review of my app. AHHHHH!!!!! I told her Monday or Tuesday at noon during my lunch break.
6/14/11- Had a 15 minute conversation with my PO and was told that she is looking at a trip departing in early October for Africa doing Small Business Development! She also said I'll here from her in 1-2 weeks about this trip. Possible Invite? I hope so!
I'll write another post soon! Hopefully with a picture of me with my BBP! BBP- Big Blue Packet, i.e. invitation!