Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is it?

This is usually how people respond to things here.  I reply with "it is!" and it throws them off, I find it fun.  :) 

So, life is about to change again... crazy fast!  I'm pretty nervous and excited, mostly excited.

Training ends pretty much tomorrow.  We swear in as official Peace Corps Volunteers on Thursday, woot woot!

As for this last week of training:
We had my final presentation for our small business partners last week and it went really well.  I had such a great time working with the most loving women who happened to be my counterparts at my SME (Small/Medium Enterprise).
Yesterday was my last LPI (language proficiency exam) and today I received my results!  I passed!!!!  You must score an Intermediate Low to pass and not have to retake the LPI in a few months. I received.... drum roll please.... Intermediate Mid!!!! I feel like I have learned quite a bit in just 6 short weeks.  I love the feeling of being able to piece together a sentence in Oshindonga, it feels great!  My only downfall is my OshiSpangLish.  Yup, its totally a language!  It's Onshindonga mixed with Spanish and English.  It's quite funny when you are making a sentence and you throw in a tango or a por favor.  Hahahaha.  My language trainer just looks at me funny and then I explain to her what I said in Spanish.
Today (Tuesday the 18th) we will tie up all our lose ends of PST before our swearing in ceremony tomorrow (Thursday)! I can't believe how fast the past two months have flown by. I can't believe I have lived here that long and that short as well.  It feels like we have lived in Namibia for 6 months or really forever, I have definitely adapted to PST life.  (PST-Pre Service Training.)
I move to site on Friday.  :)  I am a bag of mixed emotions.  I am sad to leave my current host family but am excited to meed my next.  I will be living with my next host family for the next two years of my service.  I have never met these people and hope I make a great connection with them.  I am hoping for either parental figures or people that I will feel at home living with.  Pray all goes well.
Here are few of the highlights from my PST

10- My host sisters and I frantically swatting at the monstrous insects flying around my room... HILARIOUS!

9- Kukuri Center where we all stayed for our first week in Namibia.  It feels like we were there for so long and that is was light years away, but in reality it was only a week or so and it was only 7 weeks ago.

8- Dr Shit (please excuse my language, but he was awesome) He ran the Habitat Resource Center in Windhoek and was hilarious and innovative.  He recycles everything and has the most beautiful facility.

7- My awesome SEED group. I don't think any PST group has laughed as much as we have.  There are only seven of us, but we are an awesome group of seven!  We have the best APCD and Tech Trainer, I am sooooo lucky!

6- AMAZING friends.  I cannot believe we have only known each other for 8 weeks!  It seriously feels like we have known each other forever.  We have endured some crazy hilarious moments as well as some crazy weird ones together, the great news is that we have made it!

5- Host family.  It is really a great way to learn about a new culture quickly.  I have only lived with my host family for about 6 weeks and I have grown to love them. 

4- Skype dates with the people I love back home. So blessed to have an awesome family and awesome technology to not only talk to them for free but also to see their faces.

3- A good head on my shoulders. I am so happy to say that I am pretty strong and confident in who I am. That is a great feeling. :)  Of course I am still a work in progress but I think I am moving in a pretty great direction.

2- My site visit.  I get to work with two amazing supervisors at site and am going to be blessed with all the people and children I get to work with for the next two years. I am so excited.

1- Realizing that this is exactly where I am meant to be at this point in my life! Incredible feeling! I have made it! 

I am so close to finishing my training, I can see the finish line.  I can happily say, I have survived 8 weeks of emotionally draining and intense training. I have made so many memories and learned so much. 
Next step, living as an actual Peace Corps Volunteer!

Cheers to Group 34! 
We truly are the exception, not the rule.
Is it?  It is.


Terri Nicks said...

It is!!! Love it!

Heidi Thompson said...

So proud Mel! Xoxo

Liz Nicks said...

congrats mel. it makes me happy to read that you still feel so strongly about being in the right place for you. xoxo