Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I am officially through one week of PST (pre service training)!  :) 

I found out I will be learning Oshindonga and am pretty excited about it!  I had my first lesson today and the vowels and stuff are very similar to spanish. 

We learned how to wash laundry and bathe out of a bucket last Saturday, we even had a real demonstration of both! 

We also took part in the Herero commemoration celebration.  It was pretty awesome!  We walked in a parade type walk to the grave sites of the different chiefs and also got to meet a bunch of different people.  :) 

I'd post pictures but unfortunately I am currently on one bar of internet and the pics wont post. Once I go to visit my permanent site in a few weeks I will determine how the internet access will be and whether or not I will buy an internet stick.  Until then, my internet access will be sporadic. 

We move in with our host families tomorrow!  Wish me luck!

Miss and love you all!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm finally here

Hi from Namibia

We have arrived!  Weds morning at 5am a group of 38 of us Peace Corps Trainees stepped off of our plane and set foot on our new home, Namibia.  It was quite cold, a chilling 30 F (-1 C).  The first few days went by pretty slowly but the trainers and staff are pretty great. 

The other SEED volunteers and I (7 total) finally found out Friday what our job will entail.  Our job will be split into two parts, the first half will either be working at schools training the Namibia teachers on how to teach entrepreneurship or we will be working with an NGO helping people start businesses.  The second half of our jobs will be supporting our local communities and assisting them with start businesses and also training them on how to make their businesses succeed and make a profit.  Our SEED APCD (Associate Program Country Director) and technical trainer are pretty amazing and they have created an exciting training course for us.  I am so stoked! J

Life here is pretty cool, different, but cool. 

Today we learned how to wash our clothes in a water basin and also how to bathe out of a water basin as well.  It was pretty awesome. 

We move in with our host families this next week.  It will be different but I am excited to integrate into the community more. 

As for the internet situation, I am currently sitting in a local cafĂ© owned by Americans using their wifi for a small fee.  It is really nice but on my small stipend I don’t know how often I will be able to log on to the internet.  I do enjoy your messages on Facebook and on here so PLEASE do continue to send me love!  J (I might end up coming here more often, they are playing Christian music that I really like.)

Until next time, peace out!  J

Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...

Here I go! I am currently sitting in the JFK airport waiting for my flight to Frankfurt. 
This weekend was a roller coaster of emotions.  Saturday I left my parents from LAX and cried my eyes out.  It was very difficult leaving them and realizing I wouldn't be seeing any of my family or friends for over two years.  Once I arrived in Philadelphia I was still emotional and then I met a few of the others in my group and felt better.  I think knowing that the others in my group are experiencing the same emotions makes me feel like I am ok and am in the right place.  I felt nervous int he airport but now I am still not that nervous. 
Staging yesterday went really well.  We got a brief overview of what is expected of us, the Peace Corps expectations, and what to expect.  Our group has 38 volunteers and only 6 of us are business volunteers, the rest are all education.  We all get along great and I am excited to be starting this journey with them all. 
Thank you for all of your prayers and good wishes, I really appreciate them.  I really feel blessed to have so many people supporting me.  I love you all!  :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


So I have been asked by most people I have talked to what my address will be while in training.  Today I finally received that information.

Keep in mind I will not be in Namibia until after August 24th.

You can send packages to

Melissa Nicks
P.O. Box 6862
Windhoek 9000

If sending something through an expedited service such as FedEx or DHL send it to the street address of the PC office.

19 Nachtigal Street

This address will only be for training.  Once I am sworn in on October 20th and move to my new site I will put up a new address.  Also remember that all mail can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to make it to its destination.  (That includes mail sent to you here at home too!)

With that said, feel free to send me all that your heart desires! :)

Hoe gaan dit? Mi re? Ngapi? Wa lala po? Ngepi? Kora? Ku cwani?

You might be asking yourself, What does all that written up above mean?  I would tell you if I knew!  Hahahahaha.  Today I received a TON of information preparing me for staging and for the most exciting two years to come!  That included a letter with these questions or phrases written on it welcoming me and congratulating me.  I'll let you know when I find out what it really means, it probably says something in a language found in Namibia but I have no clue.  :)

So over the past month or so I have been wrapping up work.  Tomorrow (August 5th) is officially my last day at Odyssey Hospice.  I am so excited but sad at the same time.  I love the people I work with but know I have an incredible journey ahead of me. 

I am also preparing to move out of my apartment and back home.  Another bittersweet experience.  I have LOVED living with my roommate Carrie and will be sad to split apart but am happy for her and the direction God is taking her at this time in her life. 

I am selling my car (Sandie). :( She is the best car a girl can have (or guy!)  :)

So now I am working on packing up my place, moving, finishing training my replacement at work, and packing up my life for the next two+ years. 

I also had my going away party last weekend.  WOW!  I am pretty sure I had over 100 people there at one point, it was amazing!  My love tank is so full! 

Thank you to the worlds best family ever!  My Family is simply the best and puts on the best parties.  They support me so much and love me for being me.  Have I mentioned out amazing they are?  They are! 

I leave in two weeks!  I'll post at least once more before then.  As for now, so long!  :)