Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm finally here

Hi from Namibia

We have arrived!  Weds morning at 5am a group of 38 of us Peace Corps Trainees stepped off of our plane and set foot on our new home, Namibia.  It was quite cold, a chilling 30 F (-1 C).  The first few days went by pretty slowly but the trainers and staff are pretty great. 

The other SEED volunteers and I (7 total) finally found out Friday what our job will entail.  Our job will be split into two parts, the first half will either be working at schools training the Namibia teachers on how to teach entrepreneurship or we will be working with an NGO helping people start businesses.  The second half of our jobs will be supporting our local communities and assisting them with start businesses and also training them on how to make their businesses succeed and make a profit.  Our SEED APCD (Associate Program Country Director) and technical trainer are pretty amazing and they have created an exciting training course for us.  I am so stoked! J

Life here is pretty cool, different, but cool. 

Today we learned how to wash our clothes in a water basin and also how to bathe out of a water basin as well.  It was pretty awesome. 

We move in with our host families this next week.  It will be different but I am excited to integrate into the community more. 

As for the internet situation, I am currently sitting in a local café owned by Americans using their wifi for a small fee.  It is really nice but on my small stipend I don’t know how often I will be able to log on to the internet.  I do enjoy your messages on Facebook and on here so PLEASE do continue to send me love!  J (I might end up coming here more often, they are playing Christian music that I really like.)

Until next time, peace out!  J


Terri nicks said...

So very happy that you are happy. We miss you! And we love you!

Tashiya said...

Welcome to Namibia!! Hope you will enjoy the rest of your stay here.

Jonathan said...

Cool!! Glad you got there safely... looking forward to reading your updates!

Lori said...
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Lori said...

That doesnt sound too bad. As a matter of fact, that job sounds right up your alley. Especially teaching at a school. Im so glad you're doing good. I want to see pics! We are all thinking about you:) Big hugs!!!