I am a simple girl living my life the fullest I can. I have an incredible family, who I treasure most dearly. I am a true Southern California girl currently living in Namibia as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I am not perfect and niether is my life, I take pride in my imperfections! :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I talked to the cream of the crop!
Tonight I did just that and I had the funniest response ever.
It was an older lady, I am guessing from the south and she had an attitude, not the bad kind but she just had that fun edge when she spoke.
Well tonight our conversation went like this:
Lady: Hi may I please speak with Mrs. Nicks?
Me: Sorry but she is not available right now
Lady: Oh, well what about Harold?
Me: He's not either
Lady: Well then, who are you?
Me: Their daughter
Lady: Oh well then I will talk to you, You sound like an adult
Me: Sorry mam but I am not, I'm only 17 (I try not to giggle)
Lady: What? You sound so old, You sound like a grown woman
Me: Nope, sorry! (I am beginning to giggle because its so funny!)
Lady: Okay then, well let me tell you Honey, don't you ever leave your mommy and daddy, stay as long as you can, stay forever! And DON'T have kids!
Me: (I continued to laugh)
Lady: You have a great night sweetie!
Me: Thanks you too!
Hahahaha... I probably do sound my age but I think it is so fun to pretend, especially when you don't wanna answer questions on a survey or you don't want to buy something. This lady was a lot of fun and didn't bug me like the other boring ones do. It just made me smile, then giggle, and then laugh so loud my brother came in and wanted to know what was up. I filled him in and told him he can borrow my trick any day... though he isn't an adult, so maybe not this one just yet.
Music, Munchies, and Melissa!
They did the shopping from the list that I made them and started my amazing cooking yesterday!
Thanks to Kraft kitchens website it makes it a lot easier coming up with ideas.
Yesterday started with a Borrito/Taco Salad bar. I was watching Hannaha and Noah for the night so I got an extra helper in the kitchen. Hannah is a great helper! She and I got the food ready and we all enjoyed it buffet style!
Tonight was more of a treat for my parents and little brother. While I was in Honduras I had the privilege of helping the kitchen staff at our team house make Chicken Empanadas. I talked to one of the girls in the kitchen and after translating as best I could back into English I brought home the recipe. I DID IT! I made Chicken Empanadas tonight and they ALL loved it!
This picture is the leftovers. Although it took me about 3 hours to make them, it was worth it!
Ian told me I should have my own cooking show but cook to music... So we were practicing while singing Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson. It was pretty funny especially since Ian is 15 1/2 and I am 22 1/2 and we were pretending! By the way, how do you like my title for the show? Music, Muchies, and Melissa!
Tomorrow night I have small group and we all have plans until late so when I told dad I didn't know if I would cook he got all sad, it was pretty funny. I told him there will be food ready for them. I think I might make a cheesy chicken and broccoli bake thanks to Kraftkitchen.com!
I'm Back.... I think.
Monday, September 8, 2008
This kids all spoke spanish but some of them knew a little bit of english making it a little easier to communicate. I was really nervous around the kids the first few days becasue I couldnt communicate. I finally got over that fear and just loved on the kids and had an incredible time.
Another one of my favorites would have to be this CUTE baby, his name is Robbie and is one of the staff couples babies. His dad is from Florida and came to Emmanuel during college where he met his wife, who was one of the older orphan girls going to school in Tegucigalpa to become a nurse. They fell in love and now both live and work full time at the orphanage.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Orphanage Emmanuel

Oxi Man

Okay so most everyone that watches tv has seen an infomercial with this man... or a similar commercial where he yells at you to buy his product. I was watching tv yesterday and was falling asleep and was startled when he began yelling at me to use his product. Of course some people probably just think that he is overly excited, but i am sorry but him yelling at me doesnt make me want to use that product or buy it. Well, maybe a little, especially when he pours the wine and stains the carpet and the clothes and they come out clean. I think we have had that stuff before and it didnt work for me. Oh well, good for Mr. OxiClean man, maybe he does sell the product by yelling at others, who knows!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thank the Lord for Google.com!
Well i have been sending out my resume for a few weeks now and recently got a good hit. It was with a marketing promotions company in San Diego, they called me under one company name and left their number on my voicemail, then I received an email from another name with the same number, I ended up calling and they said they were different divisions under the same management. I arranged an interview for the following day and went. I drove for 1.5 hours for a 10 minute interview. They told me that if they decided they liked me (which I was pretty sure I had the job in the bag because I am pretty awesome! :) ) and wanted me to come back they would call me that evening and I would have to come back the following Monday for a day long interview... they literally told me to be there at 9:30 am and that I would be on my feet most of the day and also that I would not be done until that evening... Shady!
Today I told a lot of my friends at church and asked them to pray for me, i was getting pretty excited, especially because the lady interviewing me told me they are looking to hire one entry level position and promote them to an executive position within one year, ONE YEAR people, that sold me!
Well, tonight I spent a lot of time in prayer and when I got home I decided I needed to print out a copy of my resume just in case I may need it, well my parents computer sucks and word would not open, so I went on Google and was trying to get it to work or to just waste time while waiting for it to come up.
While on Google.com i decided to look up this company, come to find out they have a few scam.com reports written about them!
The way these people described the place and how their interviews went... I knew it was the truth! I experienced what they wrote and knew that if I went to the second interview it would be a total waste and SCAM!
My mom and I spent some time looking them up and came to find that it looks like it is a sales job... not the cool kind, but the kind where people stop you in a parking lot asking you to buy some "cool" thing out of their duffel bag. Sorry guys but I am not trying to go to camp or anything and I am not in a gang and trying to clean my life up, so I am not about to be the one to stop and ask you to buy some of my crap!
My mom told me not to call it a scam but honestly, that's exactly what I would call it! And to think, I was considering leaving my family and friends and moving down there!
All I have to say after all of this is, Thank the Lord for Google.com!
A few good things I did get out of this experience are:
Always Google any company I would possibly work for or even consider relocation
I got my first interview out of the way and also I get to turn down my first position (even though they didn't offer me the job yet, You know they were going to, how could they not?)
Finally I have reaffirmed my faith in the lord and knowing that he has a plan for me and that job was not a long term part of it! He works in mysterious ways and tonight he worked through Google.com! Gotta love him! :)

PS... I am still unemployed! If you know of any jobs (preferably within my field of interest) please feel free to tell me about them!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Help out Honduras!

So for those who do not already know, I have been chosen to be a part of a team to go to Honduras and help out and love on 400 amazing kids at orphanage Emmanuel. I will be going with Sandals Church but the road to get there is through a lot of fundraising. There are 22 of us going and we each have to individually raise $1700!
I am almost half way there and to get us even closer we have a few events coming up first off we have a chick- fil-a car wash night this coming Thursday (the 26th)

at Corona Crossings off the 15 fwy. If you are in the area come help us out and meet the team and amybe make a donation. :)
Our next event in this coming Friday night (the 27th) and is a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament. The buy in is $20 but it goes to a great cause and if you win, you get an awesome bracelet like the pros get on the world tournament but better!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
"I'm Comin'... Out... I'm Comin'..."

I promised myself that I would not start blogging or reveal this blog to my sisters and to the rest of the world until I finished school.
Well, guess what? I finished my last final about 3 hours ago and am now a college graduate, I will be walking this Sunday! Yay!
I will be receiving my BA in Business Marketing and can't wait!
Now my next step is finding a job that I will love, I am talking to someone right now about a possible job opportunity that would be amazing! Pray that it happens.
Saturday, May 31, 2008

So my dream job is to create amazing advertisements that are memorable.
Absolut vodka has done just that. I was sitting in my apartment watching TV when an Absolut Vodka commercial came on and you didn't know it was a commercial for vodka until the space people turned the moon into a giant disco ball. It was pretty awesome!
Just thought I would share that randomness with you!
Monday, May 19, 2008
This is ME!

Hello and welcome to my life!
My name is Melissa Jean and I have decided to become the blogging queen! (Hence the name.)
Both of my sisters (Heidi and Liz) are avid bloggers and I feel like the time has come for me to join this blogging world!!!
My life is going to be changing in the next few months. I dont think it will necessarily be good or bad but it will be change.
I am graduating from college and am going to be forced to join the working world!
(Sad day, i know!!!)
I love to read about others, I feel that it is sort of like people watching which sounds kind of scary and crazy, but hey, you all put it out there! I just like to look at it. :)
See you around!