Well i have been sending out my resume for a few weeks now and recently got a good hit. It was with a marketing promotions company in San Diego, they called me under one company name and left their number on my voicemail, then I received an email from another name with the same number, I ended up calling and they said they were different divisions under the same management. I arranged an interview for the following day and went. I drove for 1.5 hours for a 10 minute interview. They told me that if they decided they liked me (which I was pretty sure I had the job in the bag because I am pretty awesome! :) ) and wanted me to come back they would call me that evening and I would have to come back the following Monday for a day long interview... they literally told me to be there at 9:30 am and that I would be on my feet most of the day and also that I would not be done until that evening... Shady!
Today I told a lot of my friends at church and asked them to pray for me, i was getting pretty excited, especially because the lady interviewing me told me they are looking to hire one entry level position and promote them to an executive position within one year, ONE YEAR people, that sold me!
Well, tonight I spent a lot of time in prayer and when I got home I decided I needed to print out a copy of my resume just in case I may need it, well my parents computer sucks and word would not open, so I went on Google and was trying to get it to work or to just waste time while waiting for it to come up.
While on Google.com i decided to look up this company, come to find out they have a few scam.com reports written about them!
The way these people described the place and how their interviews went... I knew it was the truth! I experienced what they wrote and knew that if I went to the second interview it would be a total waste and SCAM!
My mom and I spent some time looking them up and came to find that it looks like it is a sales job... not the cool kind, but the kind where people stop you in a parking lot asking you to buy some "cool" thing out of their duffel bag. Sorry guys but I am not trying to go to camp or anything and I am not in a gang and trying to clean my life up, so I am not about to be the one to stop and ask you to buy some of my crap!
My mom told me not to call it a scam but honestly, that's exactly what I would call it! And to think, I was considering leaving my family and friends and moving down there!
All I have to say after all of this is, Thank the Lord for Google.com!
A few good things I did get out of this experience are:
Always Google any company I would possibly work for or even consider relocation
I got my first interview out of the way and also I get to turn down my first position (even though they didn't offer me the job yet, You know they were going to, how could they not?)
Finally I have reaffirmed my faith in the lord and knowing that he has a plan for me and that job was not a long term part of it! He works in mysterious ways and tonight he worked through Google.com! Gotta love him! :)

PS... I am still unemployed! If you know of any jobs (preferably within my field of interest) please feel free to tell me about them!
so you drove through Temecula and didn't stop to say hi? rude
Hi Mel! The SAME THING happened to me on my very first job interview. I Googled the company when I got home b/c I thought they just had to be too good to be true and sadly, I was right. Scammers! Good for you for doing your homework. Good luck in the job hunt--wanna move to Texas? I could hook you up here ;)
Good job investigating it Mel! I'm glad you got some interview experience out of it though. I'm sure it will help you to be more confident when you go on your next one!
I tried calling today to see how it went and got your voicemail... now that's a scam.
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