Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Heart Day!

Happy Valentines Day to all back home!

Things are still going pretty well here.  I love it really.

School is doing well, I'm working with my counterpart on teaching entrepreneurship and starting a tuck shop (basically a snack shop for the learners to run).

My OVC is a little uneventful at the moment.  Don't get me wrong, I love it there but there isn't much to do right now.  We had a meeting with a German Org last week and hopefully they are going to help us find some funding or a partnership to improve and expand our garden and farming projects.  I love it when I walk to work because every time I arrive I am greeting by about 20 preschool children who run up to me calling out 'shilumbu' meaning white person and they all wait for a hug from me.  I love kids!  :)

Weather.  It is supposed to be the rainy season right now but if it is, this is the driest rainy season I have ever seen!  Last year there were record rains and lots of flooding... it looks like we might have a dry season instead... who knows.  It has been pretty hot here but bearable. 

I get to go home for a week long visit in one month and I am so excited!  I can't wait to see my family and friends!  I am actually coming home to attend Alison and Sean's wedding... I can't wait! :) 

I know this blog post is pretty boring but its better then nothing right?

I remember when I was applying for the Peace Corps I would read current volunteers blogs and was always so frustrated when people didn't update their blogs often.  Well, being on the other side of the spectrum now I can say that life just doesn't seem exciting enough to write home about.  I know its crazy awesome and unreal to say that I LIVE in Africa... but I have grown accustomed to living here.

My life consists of walking crazy distances to get places, that's normal for me now. 
I pick up bugs that are crawling on me with my fingers, rather then freak out and swat them away.
I wash my hair every other day... that would very very very rarely happen back in the states.
Sand in my food is normal.  When I went to Uganda I would get an occasional pebble and would lose my appetite... now I just pick it out if its too big to chew.  :)
I wash all of my clothes by hand and it takes close to 3 hours to wash it all... that's not including dry time.
I eat a TON of peanut butter sandwiches... its kind of a staple food for me.
I have great boobs!  hahahaha.... sorry if that's TMI but I have been told a lot lately how great my boobs really are. 
I drink water from the bathroom sink like nobody's business... It's really quite tasty.
It's not weird for a car/truck/bakki/complete stranger to pull over and offer me a ride to wherever I am walking to... It actually makes my day.  :)
I am often approached by children who constantly tell me 'give me one dollar' which I reply with 'you give ME one dollar!'
I read an insane amount... Thank goodness for my nook and the crazy awesome library at our local PC office.  I've read about 25 books since I landed in Namibia. (seriously, the list is on the right side of this blog!)
The sunsets here are unreal!  They are so beautiful that it amazes me!
I love it here, I truly do!
I thank God for sending me here!

1 comment:

Heidi Thompson said...

Happy V-Day sis! I just moved something on my desk and found a V-day card that I had bought for you a couple of weeks back and forgotten all about. I laughed and thought, she'd never know that I sent it late anyway. I can blame it on the postal service. ha ha!

Love you!
PS- Mom and I are reading The Hunger Games series too. LOVING it!