Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hello blogging world, it's been a while!

So it definitely has been a while, a couple years really.  I thought I'd try and get into the habit of blogging since I think that might be my only way of communicating to the most of my family and friends here at home for a few years. 

Why, you may ask... well, to make a long story short, my life will hopefully be changing a LOT for the next three or so years. 

I started blogging in, I believe, 2008 because my sisters had the cutest blogs and I loved reading about their lives (even though I see them all the time).  I liked seeing the comments from our extended family and that they were able to get a glimpse into all of our lives here in Southern California. 
Well here is a quick glimpse into the past two years of my life. 

June- Graduated from college
June- Moved back home
August- Went to Honduras with Sandals Church
October- Got a seasonal job at Kohl's as a POS and rocked the position
December- Got another job at Odyssey Health Care as the receptionist and rock that position even more!

Nothing really new
Still working at Odyssey as the receptionist
Applied for a few positions within the company but the time wasn't right
August- Moved out of my parents house into a cute little apt with a friend from church
-Applied to go to Uganda with church and got invited to join the team!  Woohoo

March- Went to Gulu, Uganda with Sandals Church to visit Favor of God Ministries
June- Decided I want to join the Peace Corps
July- Submitted my application
August- Volunteered as a camp counselor for Pipeline (elementary Sunday school) for a week
September- Interviewed by phone and nominated to serve in the Peace Corps in Sub-Saharan Africa doing Business Advising departing late May/early June of 2011!
November- I turned 25!
-Completed and sent in my medical and dental evaluations
-just received a request for new dental x-rays to be completed and am waiting patiently while the rest of my paperwork is being reviewed.

I'm joining the Peace Corps!
I will hopefully be moving to Africa and this will be where you can hear about my adventures!

Please pray for me in the coming months that everything goes smoothly, that I have patience in waiting and in my current job, that God prepares my heart for the incredible adventure of life I am about to embark on! 

Love you all!


SoCal Rogers said...


SERIOUSLY! You are an amazing person. I hope you use your blog to keep everyone updated about the impact you are having on the world. You will rock this just like you have rocked everything in your life. You're freaking awesome, and I love ya!

Melissa Nicks said...

I love you! I miss you too! :)
Thank you for being my one reader and for being so encouraging!
By the way, I totally LOVED Savannah's Halloween picture! It's still on my fridge!

Anonymous said...

God bless you,you are truly an amazing person! You have always had a pure heart,
Even though I found out later there were some things said about me by you,I did what god teaches us and I forgive you and know in my heart that you did not mean them. I KNOW YOU WILL DO AMAZING THINGS IN THE PEACE CORP,AND YOU EVEN TRIED TO HELP ME WHEN I RUINED MY LIFE. HAD I LISTENED TO YOUR ADVICE MAYBE I WOULD BE IN A BETTER PLACE THAN NOW. None the less,may god be with you always,guiding you and protecting you. YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON WHOM I I WISH THE BEST FOR AND PRAY IN MY HEART GOD WILL HELP ME BE THE PERSON YOU TOO SOMEDAY. LOVE ALWAYS,SOMEONE WHO ALWAYS BELIEVED IN YOU! p.s. I never got a simple thank you or hug when I helped you with a donation to Honduras. GOD BLESS YOU,GOODBYE FRIEND.