Thursday, October 4, 2012

Six months later and I'm still alive.  I've made it past my one year mark and am officially half way done!  I can't believe how fast the first year has flown by.  I remember being told during training that the first year will fly by but the second year will vanish into thin air... I'm not ready for it to be over but I am ready to start my life and see my family and friends. 
I still have no clue what starting my life means but I do know that I have amazing people who I miss dearly waiting for me back home. 
The one year mark has come with unexpected home sickness and heartache but has been filled with great love from friends made here and from back home.  I have learned a lot of about myself and what I want in some aspects of my life by living here... but I still have no clue what I want to be when I grow up. 

Let me recap the past six months for you.
- Visited Victoria Falls with some friends for the May holiday.
- Had my heart broken by a few boys.
- Fell in love with the smiling children of Ondangwa.
- Hosted a Day of the African Child Fundraising event and helped raise over N$246,000 for Oonte OVC Org.
- Helped put on an entrepreneurship quiz and an entrepreneurship day for the learners.
- Found a great church that is spoken in English with some amazing people and new friends.
- I have discovered how rare true and loyal friends can really be.
- I have learned how to be happily single again.  I get a LOT of male attention here... most is harmless friends that like me that I brush off... not always so subtley. :)

I still can't believe that I live in Africa!  I feel like this is only stuff people write about in books or movies... but its not, I am living the dream.

Everyone here keeps asking me what I see myself doing after my service, whether it is marrying and staying in Namibia or moving back home... all I can say is that one year is a long time and anything can happen.  I'm not gonna say that I am gonna stay here forever but I'm also not gonna say that I can't envision myself living here for a longer extended period... I actually can (but in better conditions). 

I am truly blessed and praise God for his direction and pray for strength and courage to finish my service in a faith filled manner.

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