Wednesday, April 18, 2012

These shoes were made for walking... and walking... and walking...

These are my first pair of TOMS shoes I got about two years ago at a Style Your Sole event to raise funds for my trip to Uganda with my church.
These shoes have taken me many places.
All over southern California,
All over Uganda,
They have even gone down the American River in Northern California on multiple white water rafting trips.
Now they take me all around Namibia,
Or in todays case on my walk to work.
I love these shoes.
TOMS shoes are not only comfortable but they are a great organization that donates a pair of shoes to a child in need everytime you purchase a pair.  Its a one for one concept.
I wonder what it would take to get them to donate to the OVCs here in Northern Namibia?  Most of the children walk around barefoot or in some type of 'China Shop' flip flops.
Shoes are very important here.  Earlier this year I learned just how important.  I got a parasite in my foot in the form of a worm because I was walking around barefoot in the sand.
My learners look at my shoes funny every time I wear a pair of TOMS because they think they look like slippers... they just don't understand why I wear them.
I know this is kind of a random post, but I am random, what more would you expect from me. :) 
Aside from my TOMS shout out, I am doing well.
School is going great.  The learners are taking their term one exams this month and we get the month of May off.  I plan to travel a little and work at my OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children Org- Oonte OVC Org). 
Easter weekend was great.  I got a four day weekend and visited Ruacana Falls about 3 hours NW of here.  It was gorgeous but the 500 stairs to the bottom really sucked when we had to climb back to the top of the falls back to the bakki.  Anyone that knew me during my college waterpolo years knows what happens to me when you mix in lots and lots of stairs... it isn't pretty.  :)
Life is amazing and I feel very blessed to be here.
I'm happy.  :)

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