So I have some good news!
Over the past two weeks I have spent a lot of pretty pennies to finally finish all of my dental work so I can complete my dental file for the Peace Corps. That included getting new xrays, three crowns, and one filling. I finally finished last Tuesday night and sent off my revised dental packet Weds, and was cleared for dental on Sat! Woohoo!
I hadn't heard anything from the PC office in months, so it feels great to know that I am not forgotten! Now the wait is on the Medical office to clear my medical file. I want to do this so bad and I have been doing really well at the whole patience thing, but it gets scary not hearing a peep for months at a time.
A few weeks ago 20/20 did an expose on women in the Peace Corps that have been raped and "forgotten" by the Peace Corps and also on a volunteer that was murdered in country. I have gotten quite a few people coming up to me telling me they are extremely worried about me going to Africa with the Peace Corps. My response to them is that it could happen here in our own backyards. I am choosing to join the Peace Corps knowing the risk of possible danger. Since I do not have TV (cable) I didn't get to watch the special, but I did read a lot of articles about it and understand why people are so scared, I kind of freaked out the weekend it showed and was questioning myself if it was worth it.
I came back to the realization that I am in God's hands! I cant 100% prevent myself from being a victim. I can be overly cautious, which I believe myself to already be, and I can make smart decisions keeping myself out of threatening or sketchy situations.
I also feel that the more I integrate and build solid relationships with my community and host family the more I will become like a real family member and they will protect me as they would one of their own flesh and blood.
One of the things that I most look forward to is building those relationships with my future village and helping to share my knowledge and education and learn from them as well.
I feel like right now all I can do is hand it all over to God because everything is done according to His plan and in His timing. All I can do is have faith and patience. Which thankfully I do have. :)