So this is a picture from Christmas break with my CSUSB housing friends and old roommates at our Christmas extravaganza. I got Mama Mia and was so excited!
This is how excited I am right now about having a real JOB!
Well friends, here is how it all started.
After 6 months of the post graduation job search I finally found a few. It all started out with dad nagging me to stop into Khol's in early October and apply just as a seasonal employee. I went in one afternoon and the lady at customer service told me that I am a lucky girl because she was going to add me to the interviews for the next day. I went to the interview and they hired me, they were pretty puzzled as to why a college grad wants to work at Kohl's. Hey, it's a paycheck and better than nothing that a lot of others in the U.S. have right now with this economy. I was hired as a cashier and did pretty well for myself throughout the holidays. So well, I was the top employee for the week before Christmas for getting people to sign up for Kohl's charge cards... that's a pretty big deal in the Kohl's world! I was also told they wanted to keep me on year round. It was at the beginning of December that Alvord School District contacted me to be a substitute teacher. I went through the hiring process and then the holidays hit and it was put on hold. Well it so happened that during the holidays I was contacted by my friend Ed who I went to Honduras with and he told me about a job with his company Odyssey Health care that would be full time with benefits!Wooo Whooo!
I went in for my interview Monday the 22nd they loved me and offered me the job right on the spot. I didn't accept right away because I didn't want to leave the subbing job high and dry especially when I forked over quite a bit of money to run the background checks, certs... etc.
After talking to my life coach, aka my brother Miles, we decided that it was a great opportunity and I accepted the job!
I am now a working woman!
I work Monday thru Friday 8-5pm as a receptionist for an amazing health care/hospice program.
Ps. As for right now I am still at Kohl's... you can catch me at the register most weekends.