Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mopani worms, fire extinguishers, and site announcements, oh my!

So I know it has been a while but I still have limited internet access.  Please forgive me. :)

Let's start with this last Saturday.  It was our cultural cooking day and was quite an event.  All of our host families gathered to make us PCT's traditional meals from the different regions of Namibia.  There were worms, stomach, smiley's, dried fish, porridge, chickens feet, and many other interesting foods.  I, Melissa Nicks, ate a worm!!!  It is eaten a lot in O-land (where I will be located after swearing in) and I was told I had to try at least one.  Let's just say it may have tasted like chicken but my mind and body were dry heaving... yuck!  I ate a piece of a smiley (Goats head), it was pretty tasty.  I wasn't brave enough to try the cow's stomach, the texture freaked me out just looking at it.  My host mom and sisters came and it was pretty fun.  Definitely an experience. 
That same afternoon my host sister, host cousin, and few straggler trainees and I took the combi home,  It was a very tiring day so we were all ready to go home and take naps and then hang out a little later.  Well, everyone got out of the combi in front of me and as I was getting out I hit my hand on something, little did I know, that something was the fire extinguisher!!!  The car began to fill with pink smoke/powder!  I was trying to turn it off but couldn't breath so I had to back away.  Erwin our driver jumped out but forgot to put the car in park so it began to roll back.  As he jumped back in to put the car in park one of my friends, Jessica (the smart one), pulled the fire extinguisher out of the combi so she can try to stop it from blowing out fire retardant everywhere.  Meanwhile, my little sister and cousin are laughing hysterically, I am across the street apologizing for my clumsiness and giggling a little, and everyone starts laughing hysterically.  Long story short, I am not the first person to set off a fire extinguisher in the combi, someone set one off while the doors were closed and everyone had to shower off because they were completely covered in the dust.  We all had a great laugh and I think the fire extinguisher needed to be replaced and re-placed somewhere out of my reach. 

Site Announcements!!!!
So Yesterday was the day most of us PCT's have been patiently awaiting.  I knew I was going to O-Land but didn't know where or if there would be another volunteer near me.  Well, we went outside to a string outline of Namibia and papers scattered throughout the outline with schools and locations on them being held down by rocks.  I was the first name called by Linda my amazing APCD.  Everyone was watching me as I moved over to... Ondongwa!  I will be in a major town up north with Rick, one of my fellow SEED volunteers!  I am so excited!  I have PCV's all around me and am in a great place.  I will be working at a junior secondary school training the teachers on how to teach entrepreneurship and will also be working with an organization that works with Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC).  This job is perfect for me and I have I mentioned how stinkin excited I am?  I am on cloud nine.
We meet out supervisors this week and this weekend we travel to a week long site visit.  I can't wait.  I will live in a three bedroom house on a family compound.  So exciting!  I'll have to post pictures when I get back from site. 
As for now, I am running out of internet time.  I send all my love to you all back home.
BTW- Feel free to send me some love in the form of snail mail! :)


Terri Nicks said...

What is a combi?
I can just imagine you laughing hysterically too...

Heidi Thompson said...

Mom, you clearly aren't reading enough blogs! A combi is a bus or a van. Right Mel?

Heidi Thompson said...

Mel, Can you put the blog links up for the other PCV's in your group? I sent you snail mail over a week ago. We just got your postcard the other day! It sure is slow!