Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ahhhh... INVITE!!!

I received a voicemail from my PO this morning saying she found a position departing in mid/late August and would like me to please call her back sometime today.  I was so excited that I called her right away and was bummed to get her voicemail... all SIX times I tried :).  I finally received another call from her and we discussed the opening.  It is a small business development position in Africa with a focus on a new program educating entrepreneurs and their teachers.  I will also be responsible for finding secondary work creating activities for youth educating them on AIDS and HIV awareness!  She asked if I would be interested leaving earlier and I told her "HECK YES!" maybe not in those exact words but I am sure my excitement said it all!  :)  We ended the call with her saying my invite is going in the mail today!  My mom did her research and thinks I will be going to Namibia!    I can't believe I will be leaving in less then two months to live in Africa.


Lew said...

Congrats and best wishes!

Melissa Nicks said...

Thank You! I just found out I am going to Namibia and am STOKED! :)